Red Flags When Investing in a Vacation Rental

Red Flags When Investing in a Vacation Rental


Depending on where you’re actually going, there could be some things about a vacation rental property that might seem alarming, but which are really no cause for concern. It takes a fairly detailed knowledge of vacation home rental markets to know just what the real red flags are, but the information on this is readily available for those who care to educate themselves a little before selecting a vacation property.

When you book a vacation, the most important thing is location, and everything then spirals out from that. For example, the type of rental property you purchase at a beach resort will naturally be one which is in proximity to the beach, making the most of the weather and the natural scenery.

Or at least that is what to consider if you are getting a vacation rental for yourself. For individuals or businesses investing in property acquisitions, the long-term profitability is key. Financial advice and invoice factoring for small business service Thales Financial say, however, that what makes a vacation rental attractive for vacationers is also that which makes it profitable for you.

So, we must continue to stress location; the answer to the question, “What makes a great vacation rental?” is a variable one. Nevertheless, this is not to say that there aren’t things every vacation home should offer.

Red Flags When Booking

It’s particularly important to know what to be wary of when just viewing rental properties from afar. Very often, this is what happens when a rental property is booked. It is pretty rare that the occupant will visit the property beforehand, especially when it is only to be occupied for a few weeks’ vacation.

Accordingly, it’s wise to know how to identify red flags just from viewing a property online. There are several of these, and then several more red flags you need to actually visit the property in order to identify.

Top Red Flags

We cannot give a comprehensive list of everything that should turn you off booking a rental property. Too much of that depends on what type of property and where. However, we can offer the typical red flags. Here they are:

No Pictures in Listings

This is a fairly obvious one, and it would be safe to assume that you wouldn’t book a property without even seeing it! Well, you would think that was the case but in fact this is a commonly made mistake. Always make sure you can see a detailed collection of pictures for any vacation rental – right from the start.

Lack of Reviews

Naturally, bad reviews are a red flag, but so too is no reviews. Some very recently acquired or built vacation properties might not have any views yet, but you should be able to tell if this is the case by finding out how long the property has been on the market. If it has been on the market for a while and there are still no reviews, that’s a bad sign.

Complicated Location Instructions

Think about why you are going to a place and what you want to see there – say, a beach or a particular historical attraction – and then have a look at the directions from the accommodation to that attraction. First of all, these should be given, and secondly, they should be simple. If you see complicated instructions to get to the area’s main attraction, the vacation home might be situated nowhere close to it.

Beyond these general tips, your best bet to securing a good vacation property is to do thorough research and consult the advice of those who have rented there before.
